Workshop: Prosperity! The Magnetism of Attraction... - Alcides Melhado Filho

Workshop: Prosperity! The Magnetism of Attraction…

In this workshop we will learn that:

– Alchemy enables Prosperity without limit

(harmony, peace, full health, good luck, money, etc…),

There is no limit to what it can become.

– The alchemist manufactures his own gold.

– How to move a quarantine work to bring prosperity in your life. “The quarantine that drives the magnetism of attraction”.

– Purification techniques, allowing prosperity to happen.

– How to eliminate limiting beliefs regarding prosperity. We can create everything through thought.

“I solidify trillions of different units of energies into one huge mass controllable by my mind, Activating the Wheel of Fortune.

Allow yourself to live your Divine heritage, your Dharma, your Wheel of Fortune

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