SÃO BERNARDO DO CAMPO Rua Santa Filomena, 234 sala 106 – downtown. Phone: (11) 4121-4538
BOOK OF WISE MEN August 11th at 20h Cost R$170.00 BOOK OF WISE MEN August 12th at 20h Cost R$170.00 ART OF BALANCE August 13th at 20h Cost R$170 EIGHT BEATITUDES August 20th at 20h Cost R$170.00 NINE GIFTS August 26th at 20h Cost R$170.00
SÃO PAULO Avenida Paulista, 1776 -1st Floor / Phone:(11)2847-4565 / 2778-3052 / 95025-8364 NINE GIFTS August 18, 8 pm Cost R$170.00 SÃO PAULO Avenida Paulista, 2200 at the Rádio Mundial theater, next to the consolação subway station. Phone: (11) 2847-4565 / 2778-3052 / 95025-8364 SEPTEMBER IN SÃO PAULO PYTHAGOREAN NUMEROLOGY – MAKE YOUR OWN MAP. 5/9 from 9:30 am to 6 pm. Cost R$800.00 or 5x 160.00 ALCHEMICAL TAROT – 22 DOORS TO KNOWLEDGE. September 6th and 7th from 9:30am to 6pm Cost R$800.00 or 5x 160.00 OCTOBER IN SÃO PAULO ART OF BALANCE COURSE October 31 from 9:30 am to 6 pm Cost R$440.00 Bring a wooden spoon DECEMBER 20, 2015 GOOD AND GREAT Year 9 – HOW TO TRANSFORM THE NEW YEAR. Avenida Paulista, 2200, Auditório da Rádio Mundia, At three times: 9:30 am / 1:30 pm and 5:00 pm Cost R$50.00 ADVANCE SALES OF INVITATIONS. Information: (11)2847-4565 / 4121-4538 / 950258364 _________ SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS Av. Dr. Adhemar de Barros, 1455 – Espaço Projeto Vir A Ser. Registration and more information: contato@projetoviraser.com.br or by phone: (12)98176-8222 Celia / (11)4121-4538 / 2847-4565 ANGELS September 19th at 9:30am Cost R$170.00 SELF – DEFENSE September 19th at 1:30pm Cost R$170.00 ARCTURIANS – CREATORS OF THE UNIVERSE September 19th at 5pm Cost R$170.00
OCTOBER IN SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS Eight Good Adventures October 3rd at 9:30 Cost R$170.00 The repression of energy in our body October 3 at 13:30 Cost R$170.00 Healing Awareness October 3rd at 5pm Cost R$170.00 _________ SÃO CAETANO DO SUL Rua Território do Acre, 78 Bairro Olímpico. Phone: (11)2847-4565 / 4121-4538 / 2765-8786 EIGHT BEATITUDES August 27 at 8 PM Cost R$170.00 _________ BELO HORIZONTE | MINAS GERAIS AV. Cristiano Machado, 3435 Information: (11)2847-4565 / 4121-4538 / 95025-8364 ART OF BALANCE August 22 and 23 from 9:30 AM to 6 PM Cost R$890,00 or 5 x 178,00. Registration Required.
Information: Mary Mariney (67) 8122-8903 E-mail: marymariney@gmail.com BOOK OF WISE MEN August 29 and 30 From 9:30 to 17:30 HEALTH AND FOOD – THE WHOLE BALANCE BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH 8/31/8 at 8pm Location Alkimia Hotel _________ SÃO LEOPOLDO | RS Information: (51) 3592-6330 / (51) 9181-5143 Eliane. E-mail: eslocks@gmail.com September 12th and 13th NINE GIFTS – THE PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT. September 14th WORKSHOP HO’OPONOPONO From 9:30 to 11:30 am NOVEMBER IN SÃO LEOPOLDO PROSPERITY – Always Be Young, Always Be Rich, And Never Grow Old November 28th and 29th from 9:30am to 5pm ANGELS WORKSHOP November 30th 9:30-11:30am
CURITIBA | PARANA Information: (41) 9661-1252 Joseane Email: contato@jmccursoseeventos.com.br Site: www.jmccursoseeventos.com.br site: www.alcidesalquimistacuritiba.com.br ART OF BALANCE November 14th from 9:30am to 6:30pm PROSPERITY – Always Be Young, Always Be Rich, And Never Grow Old. November 15 from 9:30 to 11:30 ENDOCRINE GLANDS November 15th from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm WORKSHOP MONEY. November 15th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm _________ LONDRINA | PARANÁ Information: (43)3345- 0617 Beatriz e-mail: secretaria@associacaoportaldaluz.com.br NUMEROLOGY – Make Your Own Map. October 24 From 9:30 am to 6 pm Cost R$800.00 RELATIONSHIP – Having Someone Who Feels What You Feel October 25th 9:30-11:30am Cost R$170.00 PROSPERITY – Always Be Young, Always Be Rich, and Never Grow Old? October 25th From 1:30pm to 3:30pm Cost R$170.00 WORKSHOP MONEY – Money Is Spirit, Not Matter. October 25th From 4:30pm to 6:30pm Cost R$170.00 _________ RIO DE JANEIRO Information: (21)99958-5113 / (21)2288-4147 / (11)2847-4565 E-mail: usha.ervatti@uol.com.br Pythagorean Numerology – Make your own map 9/26 from 9:30am to 5:30pm Cost R$800.00 Registration in advance, as there is a book that will be used on the day. HO’OPONOPONO – Elimination of KARMA 9/27 from 9:30 AM to 12 noon Cost R$80.00 RELATIONSHIPS – Transform Your Life – Understand How to Attract, Have, and Maintain 9/27 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Cost R$170.00 MONEY WORKSHOP 9/27 from 4pm to 6pm Cost R$170.00
PHYSICAL STORES | ATTENDANCE: Store in São Bernado do Campo: Rua Santa Filomena, 234 sala 106 – downtown Phone: (11) 4121-4538 / 2847-4565 Store in São Paulo: Avenida Paulista, 2300. Pilotis floor, room 68. Next to Consolação Subway Phone: (11) 2778-3052 / 95025-8364 Service at Morumbi on Tuesdays, Avenida Roque Petronio Junior, 999 (13th floor). SITE: alcidesalquimistaj.com.br BLOG: amelhadofilho.blogspot.com.br VIRTUAL SHOP: artedoequilibrio.lojaintegrada.com.br EMAIL: artedoequilibrioloja@alcidesmelhadofilho.com.br Affectionately, Alcides Melhado Filho