Julianah's Blog honors Alcides in Switzerland - Alcides Melhado Filho

Julianah’s Blog honors Alcides in Switzerland

This is Julianah da Costa’s blog: julianahdacosta.wix.com/alquimia who met and learned from Alcides Melhado Filho, honoring him with her blog and her acquired teachings.

A little more about: I AM Julianah (excerpted from the blog)
Always enchanted by the mysterious, by the search for the unknown, and mainly by the search for answers apparently so difficult to be answered, during my almost 40 years, I have never stopped reading and studying and finding new paths that would lead me to know my inner self. A short time ago I was introduced to a practice called Ho’Oponopono, a mantra of Hawaiian origin. As time went by, after several researches about it, I was enlightened by the presence of the Alchemist Alcides Melhado Filho in my life, and since then my consciousness began an incredible awakening.  The Art of Balance, taught by the master showed me my true face. Each day, a new awakening makes me believe and believe even more in the values that I have defended since my beginning : In Divine justice and in the perfection  of life.
I thank God for allowing us today the contact with this  so illuminated being, Alcides Melhado Filho, who shows us the paths of light, of peace, of equilibrium, of each one’s interior God, of perfection, of eternal youth, of the true sense of “dying to live eternal life.
Contact Julianah: artedoequilibrio@bluewin.ch

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