2016 Annual Program - Alcides Melhado Filho - Alcides Melhado Filho

2016 Annual Program – Alcides Melhado Filho

annual email title alcides


1/15 at 8pm Eight Beatitudes. /SP
1/16 from 9:30am to 6pm Art of Balance. /SP
1/17 at 9:30 am Master of Perfect Knowing. /SP
1/17 at 1:30 pm Emerald Tablet. /SP
1/17 at 4:30pm Book of the Wise. /SP
1/23 from 9:30am to 6pm Pythagorean Numerology. /SP
1/24 at 9:30am All Right Happens. /SP
1/24 at 1:30 PM Solutions. /SP
1/24 at 4:30pm Money Workshop. /SP
1/25 at 9:30am Ho’ponopono. /SP
1/25 at 1:30 PM Prosperity. /SP
1/25 at 4:30pm The Lonely Being. /SP


6/2 from 9:30 am to 6 pm Nine Gifts. /SP
7/2 and 8/2 from 9:30am to 6pm Alchemical Tarot. /SP
9/2 at 9:30 am I Am The Movement Thought Of The Absolute Being. /SP
9/2 at 1:30 pm Attention Man. /SP
9/2 at 4:30 pm Endocrine Glands. /SP
12/2 at 8pm Eight Beatitudes. /SP
2/13 from 9:30am to 6pm Eight Beatitudes. /SP
14/2 at 9:30 Arcturians. /SP
2/2/14 at 1:30 PM Practices and Techniques of Alchemy. Bring a wooden spoon (new and unused). /SP
2/14 at 4:30pm Book of the Wise. /SP
20 and 21/2 Art of Balance. /CAMPINAS
Information: (11) 4121-4538 / 2847-4565 / 95025-8364 (WhatsApp)
27/2 Nine Gifts. /CURITIBA
28/2 Workshops: Relationships | Angels | I Am /CURITIBA Information: (41) 9661-1252 Joseane.
Email: contato@jmccursoseeventos.com.br
Site: www.alcidesalquimistacuritiba.com.br


4/3 20h Eight Beatitudes. /SP
5/3 from 9:30am to 6pm Art of Balance. /SP
6/3 at 9:30 am Ho’oponopono. /SP
6/3 at 1:30 pm Self Defense. /SP
6/3 at 4:30 pm Book of the Wise. /SP
12/3 Book of the Wise. /JANUARY RIO
13/3 Healing Awareness | Being Alone | Health and Eating. /JANUARY RIO
Informations: Usha (21) 99958-5113 / (21) 2288-4147 | Email: marliaraujoe1@gmail.com
19/3 and 20/3 Nine Gifts BELO HORIZONTE. /MG
Information: (11) 2847-4565 / 2778-3052 / 95025-8364 (WhatsApp) / 4121-4538.
26/3 at 9:30 am Health and Food. /SP
3/26 at 1:30 PM Relationships. /SP
26/3 at 16:30 Good Beautiful And Great. /SP
3/27 at 9:30 am Business Coaching. /SP
3/27 at 1:30 pm Angels. /SP
3/27 at 4:30 PM We Have a Spiritual Power. /SP


2/4 from 9:30 am to 6 pm Book of the Wise. /SP
3/4 at 9:30 am To Be You Must Do. /SP
3/4 at 1:30 pm I Am. /SP
3/4 to 4:30pm Energy Retrieval in Our Body. /SP
9/4 and 10/4 Eight Beatitudes. SÃO LEOPOLDO /RS
Information: (51) 3592-6330 / (51) 9181-5143 Eliane | E-mail: eslocks@gmail.com
16/4 and 17/4 Art of Balance. SANTOS /SP
Informations: Nadia (13) 33072263 or (13) 991174989 | E-mail: nadiamariag@hotmail.com
21/4 at 9:30 am Solutions. /SP
21/4 at 1:30 PM Prosperity. /SP
4/21 at 4:30 PM Money Workshop. /SP
4/22 at 8:00 pm The Eight Beatitudes. /SP
4/23 from 9:30am to 6pm Pythagorean Numerology. /SP
4/24 at 9:30am Healing Awareness. /SP
4/24 at 1:30 pm Treatise on Alchemy. /SP
4/24 at 4:30 pm Book of the Wise. /SP
30/4 and 1/5 Art of Balance. /SANTA CATARINA
Information: Regina Aparecida (47) 9723-2125
E-mail: semprebembom@gmail.com. End: Avenida Brasil. 1500 – downtown – Balneário Camboriú /SC


May 7 and May 8 from 9:30am to 6pm Alchemical Tarot. /SP
14 and 15/5 Mystic fair – Avenida Borges de Medeiro, 701. /JANUARY RIO
21/5 Numerology. /CURITIBA
22/5: Workshops: Self Defense | Healing Awareness | Solutions. CURITIBA /PARANÁ
Information: Joseane (41) 9661-1252 | Email: contato@jmccursoseeventos.com.br
Site: alcidesalquimistacuritiba.com.br
5/27 at 8:00 pm Eight Beatitudes. /SP
28/5 from 9:30am to 6pm Art of Balance. /SP
5/29 at 9:30 am Infinite Power. /SP
5/29 at 1:30 PM Health and Food. /SP
5/29 at 4:30pm Book of the Wise. /SP


4/6 from 9:30am to 6pm Art of Balance 2 – Magic Carpet. /SP
5/6 at 9:30 am Ho’oponopono. /SP
5/6 at 1:30 pm Master of Perfect Knowledge. /SP
5/6 at 4:30 pm Emerald Tablet. /SP
10/6 at 8:00 pm Eight Beatitudes. /SP
11/6 From 9:30am to 6pm Pythagorean Numerology. /SP
12/6 at 9:30am All Right Happens. /SP
12/6 at 1:30 PM Solutions. /SP
12/6 at 4:30 pm Book of the Wise. /SP
18 and 19/6 Art of Balance. /PORTUGAL
Information: coachleidaatracao@outlook.pt or loja@alcidesmelhadofilho.com.br
25/6 Pythagorean Numerology. CAMPO GRANDE /MS
26/6 Workshops. CAMPO GRANDE /MS
Information: Mary Mariney (67) 8122-8903 | Email: marymariney@gmail.com / (11) 2847-4565 / (11) 4121-4538 / (11) 95025-8364


2/7 from 9:30 am to 6 pm Nine Gifts. /SP
3/7 at 9:30 am Wokshop Money. /SP
3/7 at 1:30 PM Prosperity. /SP
3/7 at 4:30 pm I Am The Movement Thought Of The Absolute Being. /SP
7/15 at 8pm Book of the Wise. /SP
16/7 from 9:30 am to 6 pm Eight Beatitudes. /SP
7/17 at 9:30 am Endocrine Gland. /SP
7/17 at 1:30 pm Self Defense. /SP
7/17 at 4:30 pm Book of the Wise. /SP
23/7 and 24/ 7 Alchemical Tarot. /JANUARY RIO
Information: (21) 99958-5113 /(11) 2847-4565 | E-mail: marliaraujoe1@gmail.com
30/7 and 31/7 Book Of The Wise. SÃO LEOPOLDO /RS
Information: (51) 3592-6330 / (51) 9181-5143 Eliane.E-mail: eslocks@gmail.com
Venue of the Events in São Paulo:
Avenida Paulista Nº 2200 – Teatro da Rádio Mundial – in front of Consolação subway station /SP. Information: (11)4121-4538 / 2847-4565 / 2770-3052 / 95025-8364

SHOP: artedoequilibrioloja.com.br
BLOG: amelhadofilho.blogspot.com.br
SITE: alcidesalquimistaj.com.br
Also, check out the Art of Balance online courses on the site:
Affectionately, Alcides Melhado Filho

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