April 2017 - Alcides Melhado Filho

April 2017

Os 12 trabalhos do Alquimista – retiro em Atibaia/SP

The 12 works of the Alchemist – retreat in Atibaia/SP

The 12 works of the Alchemist – retreat in Atibaia/SP Self-knowledge. The North of infinite possibilities. Information: (11) 4121-4538 / 2778-3052 / (11) 95025-8364 (WhatsApp) And reservations only by email: E-mail: loja@alcidesmelhadofilho.com.br INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE:– 2 day weekend course;– Lodging: single or double chalet (single bed (king size), telephone, cable TV, minibar, balcony with hammock, […]

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